Taxation Laws

Khalid Anwer & Co. has, since its inception, been at the forefront of tax litigation. It built much of its reputation in the field, decades ago, by litigating on behalf of industrial conglomerates in respect of customs duty matters. The landmark Al-Samrez judgment is only one of the many high-profile cases in which name-partner Mr. Khalid Anwer was involved in over the years.

Given the firm’s presence in the industry and its consequent strong relationship with most of the major industrial and financial services conglomerates in Pakistan, it has been at the forefront of most of the high-profile tax litigation in Pakistan. Most recently the firm led the petitions challenging the imposition of a Deemed Rental Income Tax on Land (Section 7E of the Income Tax Ordinance) as well as the imposition of a Capital Value Tax on foreign assets in which the firm successfully obtained relief on behalf of the Petitioners from the Supreme Court. In addition to the same, in the recent past the firm has led petitions challenging the imposition of an Infrastructure Cess (the largest tax case in the province of Sindh), the imposition of a Gas Infrastructure Development Cess (the largest tax case in Pakistan), the Workers Welfare Fund and Workers Profit Participation Fund cases, and the multifarious disputes between the Federation and the Provinces over sales tax on services since the promulgation of the eighteenth amendment to the Constitution.

What sets the firm apart is its experience and expertise in all areas of taxation resulting in a one-stop solution for advisory services and litigation before the Superior Courts.